By living the Gospel Message, St. 约瑟夫的准备努力满足学生和所有公民的准备,他们在哪里工作,以创造可持续发展, faith-filled, contemplative, 与他人和耶稣基督建立积极的关系.
The mission invites all members of the Prep:
To encounter Christ in daily life
To journey in relationship with Christ
Cura Urbi - Care for the City
St. 约瑟夫预备学院和费城市有着错综复杂的联系. For more than 170 years, 预科学校坐落在市中心, 努力教育那些将成为世界领袖的年轻男孩. In 1966, 一场可怕的大火摧毁了学校的大部分校园,管理预科学校的耶稣会士做出了一个决定:离开城市,在郊区重建自己, 或者留在费城北部一个不断变化的社区. 传统智慧说要离开,但耶稣会士一点也不传统. They chose to stay at 17th and Girard and now, over 50 years later, 随着学校和城市继续交织在一起,他们看起来受到了启发.
Being "Jesuit" Means
mg冰球突破试玩网站工作的特点是忠于教会, availability for service, and a high-hearted love of Christ.
The education we provide is marked by “cura personalis,” 这意味着关注每个学生,尊重每个学生的潜力和学习速度. 耶稣会教育的特点是适应个人差异和需要, 以及解读时代标志所决定的更广泛的需求.
mg冰球突破试玩网站经常练习辨别力, 通过努力使个人和机构的选择与上帝的旨意保持一致,在世俗事务中做出明智的选择. We share this practice with our students, 帮助他们在为他人而成熟并与他人相处时做出明智的选择.
Prayer Request
如果你有特别的意向,希望学校在mg冰球突破试玩网站的早祷中为你祷告, please contact Mr. John Dougherty '04 at 《mg冰球突破试玩网站》也陈列在白色教堂.
Throughout the year, all students, faculty and staff, parents, family, alumni, 和预备学校的朋友们有机会参加礼拜仪式,一起祈祷. This includes Celebration of the Eucharist, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Daily Prayer, a weekly Examen, 以及其他形式的祷告,进一步丰富mg冰球突破试玩网站学校的精神生活.
Adult Formation
From October 2022 to May 2023, 十几个预备学院的同事参加了第19次精神练习注释.
- Rev. Steve Surovick, S.J., Senior Director of Mission and Ministry
通过祷告和反思,参与者与上帝建立了更深的关系. Mrs. Jenny Mars, Main Office Manager and a participant, 期待在凯洛斯或服务旅行中影响预科学生. “我希望我能与mg冰球突破试玩网站的学生分享这段经历,让他们学习, at a much younger age, 与神的关系可以成长和进化.”
Opportunities for adult formation at St. Joseph's Prep are always available.
Celebration of the Eucharist
As "the source and summit of our faith,“感恩祭是mg冰球突破试玩网站学校精神生活的基本组成部分. 每个月一次,所有的学生和同事聚集在一起参加全校范围的礼拜仪式. Additionally, 每天的弥撒或圣餐服务在每个学校开始之前在白色教堂举行. 许多俱乐部、体育、校友组织和其他学校团体也寻求庆祝弥撒.
如果您有兴趣为您的团队举行弥撒,您可以查看完整的弥撒时间表, activity, or club, please contact Mr. John Dougherty '04 at
At different times during the year, 各种祈祷机会,如崇拜, the Rosary, praise and worship, Lectio Divina, Spiritual Reading Discussion Groups, Small Group Faith Sharing, Spiritual Direction, 和依纳爵默想的课程, faculty and staff, parents, and alumni. 这些机会的广告通过电子邮件发送,并张贴在学校周围.
Do you know how to "DAYDREAM"? How about this - Imagine yourself a Jesuit.
Did you know that St. 约瑟夫预备学院是耶稣会最好的耶稣会士培养机构之一? 目前,预备学校有许多校友的信息, 还有几个刚被任命为牧师的毕业生? 花一分钟来了解更多关于这个职业. Go to to learn more.
Mr. Jake Braithwaite, SJ ‘07
Mr. Brendan Coffey, SJ ‘04
Rev. Kevin Hughes SJ '04
Rev. Vince Marchionni, SJ ‘04
Rev. AJ Rizzo, SJ ’99
Rev. Bill Woody, SJ ‘07
Alumni Service Corps
The Alumni Service Corps (ASC) is a 10-month volunteer program for St. 刚从大学毕业的约瑟夫预备学校校友. 校友们在预科学校从事各种不同的工作,并在课外活动中被分配责任, sports, clubs, retreats, and service projects. In return for this work, ASC成员一起住在社区,并获得住房和食品津贴和其他费用.